Today recipe is named after my aunt "Mak Teh" . My late father loves her fried noodles so much thus I learn from her how to cook this fried noodles. Fortunately , my hubby also loves this fried noodles so I am please to share with you the recipe. Try this out and you won't regret at all!
Ingredients (for 500 g noodles)
2 tablespoons of dried shrimp
2 tablespoons of blended dried chilies (
click here!)
5 cloves of garlic
a shallot (size refer to the pic below**)
a tomato
300g of prawns
40 pieces of chives (cut into 1 inch long)
100g of sprouts
3 fish cake sticks (slice it)
5 tablespoons of palm oil
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of chili sauce
2 tablespoon of ketchup
yellow noodles
1) Pour the oil into the hot wok
2) Then pour the blended ingredients and stir it for 3 minutes
3) Let it cook or until the chilies color turns a bit dark (usually for 5-8 minutes) and stir it sometime.
4) Add oyster sauce,chili sauce and ketchup. you can add a little bit of salt but be careful cause commonly dried shrimp slightly salty.
5) Next, get prawns and sliced fish cake into the wok and stir it for 3 minutes.
6) After that, add noodles and chives and stir it for 3 minutes
7) lastly, add sprouts and stir for 1 minutes
8) Now it's ready to eat!
* for the dressing you may add some fried onions and spring onions (cut into half inch)
Happy eating !
**The size of shallot needed quite a bit like this big