What a Monday Madness!
I recently managed to complete my console table decoration.
the theme is chocolate, lime green and turquoise blue in color and rustic beach inspiration ~
I made myself the yarn balls, very cheap and only cost me for RM 4.80 for 2 vases.
Then I bought a cheap frame RM 1.60 (i spray it white in color) and other frame cost RM 2.9 and RM 3.90 only . Yes! I only use cheap stuff decoration. For candle deco, I bought small pebbles from aquarium shop for RM 2.50/kg , the block candles I bought from IKEA, pack of 4 for RM 7.90 and tall candles I bought it from super mart ..price is RM 1.90 for the pack of 6 candles and then i finish it with cockles shells.
Take a closer look and enjoy~
Handmade yarn balls
Candles and frames
My simple and clean console table

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